Our Team

Every one of our team members is devoted to delivering the finest quality workmanship






Office Manager


Fuel Systems Specialist 


Brand  Development Manager


45 years in the trade and sill courting an ‘A’ Grade mechanic who learn’t his trade back in the days when you were taught not just how to fit parts but also how to repair them. 

( James’s hand built dirttracker dominated and won many races for over a decade, high lighting his mechanical skills with the construction of this fuel injected, turbo charged Mitsubishi powered race car witb custom sub frames, coil over suspension, disc braked,13 inch rims 10 inches wide and much more all packed into his baby mini)


Foreman and Senior Technician.   without doubt  the best business decision we ever made Brendon is a key part of the Jasco team and has been most of his working career from a young green apprentice with two loves, cars and playing football to a highly skilled mechanic today.

( Brendon’s classic ride a 1962 Ford Galaxie ,when he’s not working on cars your probably see him at a rod show, swap meet or just cruising such is his passion )


The Perfect Surrounding

Christmas at Jasco perfectly show cases the range of cars we service from late model  high spec Jag convertibles to immaculate old classics. Santa and the Jasco team always set high standards of workmanship and customer service. We go the extra mile for our loyal customers. 



owner of Carburetor & EFI Selwyn is our on site fuel systems specialist.  Learning his trade in aviation Selwyn is a highly trained technician. When first coming to New Zealand  worked for carburetor specialties for several years honing his skills on our car pool before branching out into his specialist field today